Altar Guild

We are grateful for the women and men who form our altar guild. They ensure that the sanctuary is ready for each worship service.

Twelve people sitting around a table
St. Stephen’s Altar Guild

President: Millie Piccirillo
Secretary: Helen Stayer
Treasurer: Gail Olson

Sacristy Maintenance: Gail Olson, Carmen Carlson and Lauren Matz
Flower Memorials: Jack Bollman

Active Members

Carmen Carlson
Sue Groves
Gloria Preston
Teresa Piccirillo
Owen Gould
Lauren Matz
Melanie Nichols
Julie Groth

Emeritus Members

Dim Scanlon, Anne Kinsey, Audrey Childs, Betty Olander, Tiffany Prizel and Nancy Wangelin

In Memoriam: Jean Follett, Alice Liguori, Mary Lou Latten, June Scanlon, Fran Ripley, Jane Richard, Sally Cassada, Barbara MacMurray, Georgie Slevinski and Jan Voorhees